Discover Egypt...Where it all begins

Tuesday 7 August 2018

Suggestions on improving the course

Suggestion to improve the course:

There is really not much to improve in this course as we have learnt a lot of  life surviving skills that we can use in the future and we had a more 'Hands On' experience in the lab where we disassembled a CPU, learnt the components inside of it and then assembled it back together.

The importance of privacy, security, legal and green computing awareness for society

The importance of privacy, security, legal and green computing awareness for society:

Green computing refers to environmentally sustainable computing. It minimize the use of electricity as well as energy and reduce the environmental dissipate when we are using a computer. The green computing has the same goals with green chemistry, which is the longer the life time of the product it makes the product more energy efficient, an advantage is the discarded product and factory waste to be more easily recycled and biodegradable, use of the less-hazardous materials.

Evolution of internet and web authorization

Evolution of internet and web authorization:

The internet originated as ARPANET in September and had two main goals.
         •Allow scientists at different physical locations to share information and work together

•Function even if part of the network were disabled or destroyed by a disaster


  •         Each organization is responsible only for maintaining it's own network.

                The world wide web consortium ( W3C) overseas research and sets guidelines and standards.

  •            Internet2 connects more than 200 universities and 115 companies via a high speed private network

Five sentences in my native language translated into english

( NOTE: Arabic is written from right to left)

1- Welcome   ...……...     (Ahlan- Wa- Sahlan)……….. اهلا وسهلا

2- What's your name? ……. (Ma- Howa-Esmok)……... ما هو اسمك

3- How are you? …………. ( Kayfa- Halok)………. كيف حالك

4- Where do you live? ……….. (Ayna- Taskon)………. أين تسكن

5- What do you study? ……… (Matha- Tadros)……... ماذا تدرس

6- Goodbye ...……. (Maa- El- Salama)……… مع السلامه

The Arabic Numbers

Things that I like about malasiya

There are many beautiful things in Malaysia. Malaysia is most famous for it's foods as it got the nick name 'food paradise' or 'food heaven', its also famous for its buildings, nature, and culture.
Myself, I like all the foods that I tried for example: Nasi Lemak, Nasi Goreng, Mi Goreng, Kampung style fried rice etc... I've also been to some fascinating areas such as the KL Tower, KLCC, KL Bird Park and KL Butterfly Park. the culture is also amazing as almost everyone is friendly.


My name is Ahmed Amr, 17 years of age born in Cairo, Egypt on the 19th of July 2001. In Egypt there are many cultures and different types of accents and one or more types of languages ( Not Arabic). I myself can speak Egyptian Arabic, English, and used to take several languages including French and Bahasa Melayu. I'm personally interested in nature, animals, space and history.

The pharaohs spoke a language called heroglifet, which combined logographic, syllabic and alphabetic elements and can also be written from left to right or top to bottom. They were also one the best mathematicians and the best at using geometry as the great pyramids of Giza can reserve seeds for thousands of years and nothing will happen to it because of how the pyramids were built. they also still have secret rooms that are still not found until today.

One point proving that they were among one of the best mathematicians is that they created multiple statues of King Ramses the second, one of them being in a temple and every year a beam of sunlight shines at his face twice for 20 min, once on his birthday, and second when he was crowned king on his correlation day, and scientists to this very day cant figure out how its possible.


Wednesday 18 July 2018


My name is Ahmed Amr, 17 years of age born in Cairo, Egypt on the 19th of July 2001. In Egypt there are many cultures and different types of accents and one or more types of languages ( Not Arabic). I myself can speak Egyptian Arabic, English, and used to take several languages including French and Bahasa Melayu. I'm personally interested in nature, animals, space and history.

The pharaohs spoke a language called heroglifet, which combined logographic, syllabic and alphabetic elements and can also be written from left to right or top to bottom. They were also one the best mathematicians and the best at using geometry as the great pyramids of Giza can reserve seeds for thousands of years and nothing will happen to it because of how the pyramids were built. they also still have secret rooms that are still not found until today.

One point proving that they were among one of the best mathematicians is that they created multiple statues of King Ramses the second, one of them being in a temple and every year a beam of sunlight shines at his face twice for 20 min, once on his birthday, and second when he was crowned king on his correlation day, and scientists to this very day cant figure out how its possible.


1- Discover Egypt...Where it all begins

2-  Egyptian Monuments

There are many beautiful things in Malaysia. Malaysia is most famous for it's foods as it got the nick name 'food paradise' or 'food heaven', its also famous for its buildings, nature, and culture.
Myself, I like all the foods that I tried for example: Nasi Lemak, Nasi Goreng, Mi Goreng, Kampung style fried rice etc... I've also been to some fascinating areas such as the KL Tower, KLCC, KL Bird Park and KL Butterfly Park. the culture is also amazing as almost everyone is friendly.

( NOTE: Arabic is written from right to left)

1- Welcome   ...……...     (Ahlan- Wa- Sahlan)……….. اهلا وسهلا

2- What's your name? ……. (Ma- Howa-Esmok)……... ما هو اسمك

3- How are you? …………. ( Kayfa- Halok)………. كيف حالك

4- Where do you live? ……….. (Ayna- Taskon)………. أين تسكن

5- What do you study? ……… (Matha- Tadros)……... ماذا تدرس

6- Goodbye ...……. (Maa- El- Salama)……… مع السلامه

The Arabic Numbers

Evolution of internet and web authorization:

The internet originated as ARPANET in September and had two main goals.
         •Allow scientists at different physical locations to share information and work together

•Function even if part of the network were disabled or destroyed by a disaster


  •         Each organization is responsible only for maintaining it's own network.

                The world wide web consortium ( W3C) overseas research and sets guidelines and standards.

  •            Internet2 connects more than 200 universities and 115 companies via a high speed private network

The importance of privacy, security, legal and green computing awareness for society:

Green computing refers to environmentally sustainable computing. It minimize the use of electricity as well as energy and reduce the environmental dissipate when we are using a computer. The green computing has the same goals with green chemistry, which is the longer the life time of the product it makes the product more energy efficient, an advantage is the discarded product and factory waste to be more easily recycled and biodegradable, use of the less-hazardous materials.

Suggestion to improve the course:

There is really not much to improve in this course as we have learnt a lot of  life surviving skills that we can use in the future and we had a more 'Hands On' experience in the lab where we disassembled a CPU, learnt the components inside of it and then assembled it back together.

Tuesday 3 July 2018


Names LockSmith84 aka Ahmed Amr, 17 years of age. Born in Cairo, Egypt. I Speak English, Egyptian Arabic and used to take french.
Sports that I'm into are Football, dodge ball, badminton, frisbee etc...
I also LOVE Animals, insects, Nature (forests, jungles, savanna, deserts, and snowing places),
Space, and the Past.

Suggestions on improving the course

Suggestion to improve the course: There is really not much to improve in this course as we have learnt a lot of  life surviving sk...